I wish for you a lot of dreams
that never end, and the staunch desire to achieve some of them. I wish
for you to love what deserves to be loved and to forget what should be
forgotten. I wish for you passions, I wish you silences, I wish you bird
songs upon awakening and children laughs.
I wish for you to respect people differences because each skill has to be discovered with patience and humility. I wish you to resist to stalemate, to indifference, to fears and to harmful virtues of our times.
wish for you to never give up adventure, love, research and truth,
because life is a challenge and everyone should engage to protect its
fragility and emphasis its beauty.

Above all, I wish for you to be yourself, and find your own way to happiness.
Source: personal translation inspired by Jacques Brel.
Above all, I wish for you to be yourself, and find your own way to happiness.